How to Progress Your Functional Training Routine

AuthorBy Prince Matthews |

3 min read

|13 Aug 2024

Progressing your functional training routine is essential for continued improvement and achieving your fitness goals. As you build strength, endurance, and skill, it’s important to adapt your workouts to ensure they remain challenging and effective. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for progressing your functional training routine and tips for making gradual and sustainable improvements.

Understanding Progression

Progression in functional training involves gradually increasing the intensity, complexity, and volume of your workouts to continue challenging your body and promoting adaptation. By incorporating progressive overload, you can enhance strength, endurance, and overall performance.

Key Strategies for Progression

Here are some effective strategies for progressing your functional training routine:

Increase Exercise Intensity

Gradually increasing the intensity of your exercises helps continue challenging your muscles and cardiovascular system.

How to Implement:

Add weight or resistance to your exercises, increase the speed or power of your movements, or perform exercises with higher difficulty. For example, if you’re performing squats, you can increase the weight or add a plyometric jump to the squat.

Enhance Exercise Complexity

Introducing more complex movements can further challenge your coordination, stability, and strength.

How to Implement:

Incorporate exercises that require multiple muscle groups and movement patterns. For example, progress from a basic plank to a plank with leg lifts or a plank with shoulder taps. You can also combine exercises, such as performing a squat to press in a single movement.

Increase Exercise Volume

Increasing the volume of your workouts involves adding more sets, repetitions, or time to your exercises.

How to Implement:

Add additional sets or repetitions to your exercises, or increase the duration of your workout sessions. For example, if you’re currently performing three sets of an exercise, try increasing to four or five sets. You can also extend the duration of high-intensity intervals or circuit training sessions.

Modify Exercise Variations

Changing the variations of your exercises can target different muscle groups and prevent plateaus.

How to Implement:

Incorporate different variations of your favorite exercises to keep your routine fresh and challenging. For example, if you’re used to doing standard push-ups, try variations such as decline push-ups, diamond push-ups, or archer push-ups.

Incorporate Functional Progressions

Functional progressions involve advancing from basic functional movements to more advanced variations.

How to Implement:

Start with foundational functional exercises and progressively move to more complex variations. For example, begin with bodyweight squats, then progress to goblet squats, and eventually to barbell squats with added weight. Similarly, progress from static lunges to walking lunges or reverse lunges with added resistance.

Adjust Training Frequency and Rest

Modifying your training frequency and rest periods can help with recovery and improve performance.

How to Implement:

Increase the frequency of your workouts or adjust your rest periods to allow for optimal recovery. For example, if you’re working out three times a week, you can increase to four or five sessions. You can also decrease rest periods between sets to increase intensity or adjust rest days based on your recovery needs.

Tips for Successful Progression

When progressing your functional training routine, consider these tips:

Set Clear Goals: Define your fitness goals to tailor your progression strategy and track your progress effectively.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to changes in intensity or volume to avoid overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

Maintain Proper Form: Ensure that your form remains correct as you progress to prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of your exercises.

Track Your Progress: Keep a workout log or use fitness apps to monitor your progress and make informed adjustments to your routine.


Progressing your functional training routine is key to achieving continued improvement and reaching your fitness goals. By incorporating strategies such as increasing exercise intensity, enhancing complexity, modifying volume, and introducing functional progressions, you can continue to challenge your body and improve performance. Remember to set clear goals, listen to your body, maintain proper form, and track your progress to ensure successful and sustainable progression in your functional training routine.


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